DIVISION IV Botanical Arts

Creativity meets botanical materials in this division. Let yourself get lost in the combinations of texture, shape and color. Consider how these entrants arrived at the artistic interpretations of each class. And yes, these botanical arts entries really are made of all-natural materials!

A brooch featuring a creature from the insect world, real or imagined, displayed on a black velvet form. 

Class 1. Botanical Bug


A needlepoint pillow interpreting the GCA Annual Meeting Flower Show theme, “Around the Green”. 

Class 3. Around the Green

A jeweled nosegay. 

Class 2. Green with Envy


Novice Class. Each GCA Zone will submit a pressed flower “quilt piece”, the design of which should incorporate a pollinator plant and/or a pollinator from their zone. 

Class 4. “Bee” Green

 There’s a lot more to see!