Explore our virtual show.
Entries are grouped into classes with specific requirements within a division, like floral design or photography. You may explore in any order, taking note of comments from the judges, unique awards, and even plant identification lists.
Floral Design
Floral design is an artistic expression of beauty, harmony and distinction while following the principles of design. See how the exhibitors interpret each class and marvel at how they visualize balance, contrast, dominance, proportion, scale and rhythm!
Horticulturalists have a passion for growing, nurturing and beautifying the world and sharing this wonder with others. As you explore the entries, observe the details. Notice the judges’ comments about the entries. Do you agree with their critique and decisions?
A photographer works in an almost unconscious manner by photographing what interests and attracts their sense of imagination, place and time. The end result is an image that has been filtered through their style and perspective. Explore how the entrants in this division interpret the class description and follow their journey behind the lens!
Botanical Arts
Creativity meets botanical materials in this division. Let yourself get lost in the combinations of texture, shape and color. Consider how these entrants arrived at the artistic interpretations of each class. And yes, these botanical arts entries really are made of all-natural materials!
This division honors the legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted Sr., in two ways. The first section is a video showcase from each of the GCA’s twelve regional zones on projects that highlight “the pursuit of environmental sustainability.” The second section is a video exhibit that showcases Olmsted’s genius of design, his legacy and how his aesthetic theories are still honored today.
Want More?
There’s lots more to see! Check out our winner’s circle, peek behind the curtain and find out how you can get involved with the GCA!