Take Action
Plant native.
Explore the GCA’s Plant of the Year winners and consider adding these highly recommended natives to your garden. This unique award is given to an outstanding native plant which is underutilized but possesses superior ornamental and ecological attributes. We encourage the propagation and planting of these plants in our gardens and the landscape.
Learn from the experts.
In keeping with its purpose, the GCA annually recognizes extraordinary efforts in such fields as gardening, botany, conservation, education, and design through the extension of honorary memberships. With appreciation for their achievements, the GCA welcomes three new honorary members for 2021: an advocate for plant science, a researcher in honey bee biology, and the creator of the NYBG’s landscape design lecture series.
Explore garden history.
The GCA works closely with the Smithsonian Institution'sArchives of American Gardens (AAG) to document cultivated gardens throughout the country. Club members add to the GCA’s collection which numbers more than 60,000 images. Do you love gardens and the thrill of the hunt? Help identify numerous mystery gardens across the U.S. that need a bit of sleuthing to be positively identified.
Unleash your own creativity.
The GCA’s virtual flower show models ways in which we can all use floral design, photography, botanical arts, and other mediums to educate ourselves and each other on the connection between plants, people, and the environment. Did this flower show ignite your creativity? Try your hand at a design or photograph of the natural world, and post your image on social media #gcaflowershow.
Celebrate parks for all people.
The Garden Club of America is a proud founding partner of the Olmsted 200 bicentennial campaign. GCA member clubs translated the birthday celebration into action by creating new park projects in their own communities — Club members are sharing their stories and encouraging each other to take action through the PARKS: Where Nature Meets Community Showcase online.
Take inspiration from creative educators.
The GCA’s Elizabeth Abernathy Hull Award annually recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals furthering the early environmental education of children. Read about creative educational approaches taken by the most recent Hull Award recipients.
Take the Healthy Yard Pledge.
The majority of land in the U.S. is owned by private citizens like us and together we can make a real difference. Studies have shown that even very small amounts of pesticides, fertilizers, and pharmaceuticals in our water can adversely impact human health. Taking the pledge is an important and simple step to a cleaner, safer water supply. The GCA thanks Diane Lewis, MD*, founder of The Great Healthy Yard Project.
Promote GCA Scholarships.
The GCA offers 28 merit-based scholarships and fellowships in 12 areas related to conservation, ecology, horticulture, and pollinator research. In 2020, $306,000 was awarded to 64 scholars. Follow GCA Scholarships on Twitter for the latest news about pollinators, coastal wetlands, native bird habitats, and much more. Learn more about the GCA Scholarships.
Support future plant lovers.
The Garden Club of America is a member of Seed Your Future's Advisory Council, a perfect collaboration. SYF promotes ‘the power of plants’ and the rewards of careers working with plants. In collaboration with Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education, and media company, BLOOM! provides free eye-catching, fact-based, online content for educators, youth program leaders, and parents. Learn more and find your plant power at WeAreBLOOM.org.
Learn more about all The Garden Club of America’s 2021 medalists and past recipients.