Floral Design Classes
It is said that through all the designs that Olmsted created, there runs one dominating and consistent conception. He insisted on the subordination of details to an overall composition whose strongest and fullest effect was to act unconsciously on those who viewed it.
A Tale of Two Greens
Class 1
A two-sided design staged against a white trifold foam presentation board 36” high x 48” wide when fully opened. Presentation board may be opened to the angle of the exhibitor’s choice and displayed on a white base. Floral design must fit within the trifold when sides are propped open at an angle. Design restricted to parameters of the trifold. Exhibit should be photographed from four sides.
Four Entries
Katherine Downes
Garden Club of Englewood
“Texture and foliage keep a garden interesting through the season. Flowers are just a moment of gratification”
“The botanical mass arrangement is balanced and well-proportioned.”
“The elements of color and form are not discernibly different; the viewer’s attention is confused by this lack of contrast.”
Alocasia sp., elephant ears
Aspidistra, cast iron plant
Bupleurum rotundifolia, hare's ear
Chamelaucium, waxflower
Cryptomeria, Japanese cedar
Dypsis lutescens, areca palm
Eryngium sp., sea holly
Eucalyptus sp., eucalyptus
Freesia, freesia
Hydrangea sp., hydrangea
Hypericum sp., St. John's wort
Limonium, sea lavender
Moluccella laevis, bells of Ireland
Ornithogalum, star of Bethlehem
Pittosporum sp., pittosporum
Prunus laurocerasus, cherry laurel
Ruscus sp., ruscus
Ligustrum, privet
Robin Hardman
Akron Garden Club
“A tree with its leaves can only tell the cyclical story of life alongside a tree that is dying."
“This design has commanding technical construction and textural interest as a cascading design.”
“The large, dark arum lily leaf and the dried hydrangea on the back view create an overly dominant focal point, which disrupts the rhythm.”
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, steel grass
Rosa, David Austin ‘White Cloud’
Ranunculus Tecelote, ranunculus
Cymbidium sp., orchid
Tulipa gesneriana, parrot tulip
Trachelospermum jasminoides, jasmine
Hydrangea, hydrangea
Zantedeschia aethiopica, arum lily
Anthurium andraeanum
Amaranthus retroflexus, amaranthus
Xerophyllum tenax, bear grass
Hydrangea arborescens, ‘Annabelle’
Rosa x alba, rose
Rosa sp., spray rose
Dianthus caryophyllus, carnation
Limonium, statice
Aspidistra elatior, cast iron plant
Ruscus aculeatus, Italian ruscus
Polystichum, sword fern
Hypericum perforatum, St. John’s wort
Chrysanthemum x morifolium, button mum
Zantedeschia aethiopica, calla lily
Peyton Wells
The Tuckahoe Garden Club of Westhampton
“‘Green-1’ layering technique and color creates a balanced, rhythmic, textured, form;
‘Green-2’: manipulation techniques and color creates a dynamic, rhythmic, radial, form. Two tales."
“This exhibit is a skilled and textural integration of floral design and manipulated plant materials.”
“The size and visual weight of the center form are disproportionate to the container.”
Aspidistra, cast iron plant
Liriope, lily grass
Dianthus 'Green Trick', sweet William
Chrysanthemum 'Green Button', button mum
Hypericum androsaemum, tutsan
Lilium orientalis, double oriental lily
Arctostaphlos, manzanita
Osmanthus fragrans, sweet osmanthus
Dendrobium, bull orchid
Kitty Wo
The Garden Club of Honolulu
“Two gardens, Two views serenity, Vibrancy Rest; find peace, Take Flight.”
Special Awards Judges’ Comments:
“A skillfully crafted design — beautiful from any angle.”
Judges’ Comments:
“Pleasing, well-considered textures, colors and form create a strongly unified composition.”
Alocasia x amazonica 'White Knight'
Anthurium andraeanum 'Midori'
Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers'
Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig Compacta'
Davallia trichomanoides, rabbit's foot fern
Heliconia psittacorum 'Tropics'
Heliconia bihai 'Emerald Forest'
Liculala grandis, ruffled fan palm
Monstera deliciosa, Swiss cheese plant
Philodendron ‘Xanadu’
Plinia cauliflora, Brazilian grape tree