Patch of Green
Class 20
A collection of three or more varieties of rooted succulents designed in a 15” x 15” low-profile box of the exhibitor’s choice. Plant material may not extend over the sides of the container. Two-month ownership requirement. Pre-registration and a key card are required. Photographed from above.
Four Entries
Simin Allison
Fairfield Garden Club
“Great composition! Cohesive combination of plant material, top dressing and container.”
Length of ownership: Three years
Propagated by exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: In troughs, outdoors.
Kim Cory &
Frances Carden
Albemarle Garden Club
“Creative concept and wonderful nod to Olmsted.”
“Plant selection offers little variation of color and shape.”
Length of ownership: Three months
Propagated by exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: Central Park succulents arrived to the kitchen where they have thrived indoors with occasional watering, bright natural light, and lively family dinner conversation.
Liz Lavezzorio
Lake Forest Garden Club
“Interesting plant selection employing vibrant contrasting colors.”
“Composition dominated by Agave.”
Length of ownership: Two years-plus
Propagated by exhibitor: "Pups" of each plant except Agave were separated from parents in spring of 2017 and 2018. Placed in a sandy, gritty soil for aeration and drainage. Watered more frequently in summer months than winter months. Placed in south-facing windows for bright light and sometimes in greenhouse.
Growing conditions: Most of the time indoors at south-facing window during winter, upon occasion placed in greenhouse, all go outside for summer months. All in containers so they can be transported out of the rain during the summer downpours.
Susan Uydess
Carmel-by-the-Sea Garden Club
Special Awards Judges’ Comments:
“Impressive effort for all plants to be in bloom and in prime condition. Amazing!”
Judges’ Comments:
“Intriguing, well-grown specimens anchored with remarkable bloom.”
“Design appears static.”
Length of ownership: Range of 2–10 years.
Growing conditions:
All of these succulents have been grown in my personal succulent mixture of 60% Cactus Mix; 30% Volcanic Pumice; 10% Builders Sand.
This box has been kept on an east-facing deck with morning sun most days. Fog is present most days June–August, but light is bright.
Light manual watering every three-four weeks from April–September and limited rainfall October–March.
Dilute (25%) MaxSea fertilizer (16-16-16) applied in October and December to encourage inflorescence and root growth.
Plants have lived outdoors continuously. Moved under eaves of house during rare heavy rainstorms. Temperatures range from high-40s at night to mid-60s during daylight year round.
Propagated by cutting:
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana - bought 4" plastic pot in 2011; divided to make three plants and replanted in my personal succulent mixture of 60% Cactus Mix; 30% Volcanic Pumice; 10% Builders Sand in fresh 4" terra cotta pots in 2014; replanted in same mix in 6" terra cotta pots in 2017; replanted in same mix in fresh 6" terra cotta pot in 2020. Replanted best plant in box for this flower show in January 2021. Box has been kept on east-facing deck with morning sun most days. Fog is present most days June–August, but light is bright. Minimal watering in summer; light rainfall in winter. Plants have lived outdoors continuously.
Crassula rupestris subsp. marnieriana - bought 4" plastic pot in 2015; divided in half to make two plants and replanted in my personal succulent mixture of 60% Cactus Mix; 30% Volcanic Pumice; 10% Builders Sand in fresh 4" terra cotta pots in 2018. Replanted best plant in box for this flower show in January 2021. Box has been kept on east-facing deck with morning sun most days. Fog is present most days June–August, but light is bright. Minimal watering in summer; light rainfall in winter. Dilute (25%) fertilizer applied in fall. Plants have been outdoors full time.
Crassula conjuncta - bought 4" plastic pot in 2015; divided in half to make two plants and replanted in my personal succulent mixture of 60% Cactus Mix; 30% Volcanic Pumice; 10% Builders Sand in fresh 4" terra cotta pots in 2018. Replanted best plant in box for this flower show in January 2021. Box has been kept on east-facing deck with morning sun most days. Fog is present most days June–August, but light is bright. Minimal watering in summer; light rainfall in winter. Dilute (25%) fertilizer applied in fall. Plants have been outdoors full time.
Most propagation and division of these succulents has been done in September.
***Adromischus cooperi has not been propagated by me (owned since 2019).
***Haworthia cuspidata variegata - not propagated by me (owned since 2018).