Horticulture Classes
Class 34
Par, a Rooted Plant of Exceptional Merit
This class is judged differently, it is judged on perfection instead of off other entrants.

Ray Rogers
Town & Country Zone XI
“Amazing achievement! Shows great horticulture talent and continuous care.”
Plant Material: Gasteria baylissiana
Length of ownership: 12 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: Yes
Growing conditions: west facing kitchen window, Nov -April; greenhouse May-Nov bright light little water in winter ample water and fertilizer in summer.
Jane Keiter
Millbrook Garden Club
Plant Material: Plectranthus scutellariodes ‘Lava Rose’
Length of ownership: Kept going for 8 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: Yes
Growing conditions: Outside for summer, no pot; early morning sun. In winter, bring in and grow light; cut off growth and put in water until roots (about 1-2 weeks) and then start new plants to put outside.
Terrie Reid
Plant Material: Kalanchoe tetraphylla, Paddle plant
Length of ownership: 5 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: Placed cutting in soilless mux and perlite. Kept inside in bright light in winter, put outside in bright sun. Water occasionally.