Horticulture Classes

Perennials–Helleborus; and Other

One flowering stem, spike, spray or branch.

Ten Entries

Stephanie Young

Paducah Garden Club

Judges' Comments

“Excellent spray representing all stages of development.”

“Predominant flower is past prime.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Helleborus sp., Lenten rose

Length of ownership: Fifteen years

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions: Semi-shade

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Grania Allport

Garden Club of Somerset Hills

Judges' Comments

“Handsome stem along with thorough propagation information put this exhibit at the top of the class! Faultless.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material: Helleborus foetidus, stinking hellebore

Length of ownership: Three-and-a-half years

Propagated by Exhibitor: The Rutgers University Helleborus foetidus seed was planted 6/19/2017 in soilless potting mix with a little extra perlite and kept in bright window of greenhouse 2017–2018. Greenhouse is at 60 degrees in winter. Moved to cold frame spring of 2018 tx 9/30/18 larger pot soilless mix. Watered regularly and fertilized every 3 months with dilute fish emulsion. Stayed in cold frame until spring 2019 then it was moved to partially shaded area in garden which is on watering system in summer. Spring 2020 it produced flowers and this spring produced lots of flowers.

Growing conditions:  The seed was planted in soilless potting mix 6/19/17 and kept in bright window of greenhouse 2017–2018. It was moved to a cold frame in 2018 and planted in the garden in a partially shaded spot in 2019. It was regularly watered and fertilized about 4x a year with dilute fish emulsion while still in a pot.

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Renee Hughes

Fairfield Garden Club

Judges' Comments

“Attractive and unusual fully saturated yellow bloom of this hellebore. The two flowers are fresh and have good substance; the stem is strong and straight.”

“Hellebore stems are best displayed with multiple flowers in a well-balanced array.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Helleborus orientalis, Lenten rose

Length of ownership: Five years

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions: Grown in yard on northern facing slope of yard. Full/part shade. Evenly moist soil. 

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Molly Adams

Garden Club of Lookout Mountain

Judges' Comments

“Remarkable coloration in this hybrid with its deeply wine-colored nectaries and the pale purple striated sepals.”

“The pale-colored sepals appear to be translucent, letting the backlighting through. These blooms seem to lack substance.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material: Helleborus x hybridus WINTER JEWELS 'Cherry Blossom', Lenten rose

Length of ownership: Five years

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions:  Mostly shade, just dappled sun.

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Susan Anton

Garden Club of New Haven

Judges' Comments

"Artistic display of this double-bloomed 'Delight'."

“The photograph is taken at such an angle where we cannot see into the two best blooms, hindering the judges' ability to assess the center close-up adequately.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material: Helleborus x hybridus 'Winter Delights', Lenten rose

Length of ownership: Four years

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions: Part sun, acid soil, fertilized with compost. Adjacent to stone wall for winter protection.

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Grania Allport

Garden Club of Somerset Hills

Judges' Comments

“Impressive propagation details and success with this North American native that provides food for the larval form of the black swallowtail butterfly. Well-grown floriferous stem.”

“Judges had concerns about leaf markings.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Zizia aurea, golden Alexander

Length of ownership: Six-and-a-half years

Propagated by Exhibitor:  Yes, by seed. The Zizia aurea seed was planted in soilless potting mix with 25% extra perlite on 9/20/2014; it was moistened and put in a baggie in the fridge for cold stratification. February 2015, it was brought into a 60 degree greenhouse placed on heating mats under grow lights. Once true leaves showed, it was watered regularly and fertilized with dilute fish emulsion while still in a pot. Summer 2015 it was placed outside in shaded protected area. Tx 9/18/15 and put in cold frame for winter. Tx 3/15/16 . It lived in cold frame until spring 2017 when it was planted in garden in partially shaded spot. On watering system in summer.

Growing conditions: The seed was planted in soilless potting mix with 25% extra perlite 9/20/14 , moistened  and put into ziplock baggie in fridge for cold stratification. It was put in 60 degree greenhouse February 2015. It was regularly watered and fertilized about 4x a year with dilute fish emulsion while still in a pot. It was planted out in garden in spring of 2019 in partially shaded spot.

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Frances Carden

Albemarle Garden Club

Judges' Comments

“Good leaf color and lovely fresh bloom demonstrating the transition from pink bud to open blue flowers in this graceful stem.”

“More abundant blooms would have enhanced this lovely stem.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Mertensia virginica, Virginia bluebells

Length of ownership: 20 years

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions: Woodland

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Christina Kramer

Garden Club of Palm Beach

Judges' Comments

“Absolutely stunning perfection in these fresh blooms demonstrating the pink bud progressing to the white and yellow petals of the open blooms.”

“Frangipani is grown as a woody shrub or tree and therefore was not judged as a perennial.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Plumeria alba, white frangipani

Length of ownership: Fifteen years

Propagated by Exhibitor: Yes. By Cutting. Cutting end coated with rooting powder, cutting then planted in clay pot with potting soil in full sun for 6–9 months before transferring to ground. Tree is fertilized annually with water soluble 12-55-6. Branches are cut back as needed to keep a manageable size at corner of house. Tree is at least 15 years old.

Growing conditions: Tree grows in partially shaded spot at southwest corner of home in South Florida.

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Sharel Hooper

Garden Club of Lookout Mountain

Judges' Comments

“This Virginia bluebell is a North American native that will enhance every spring ephemeral collection.”

“Specimen would benefit from more sunlight and/or richer soil.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Mertensia virginica, Virginia bluebells

Length of ownership: Fifteen years

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions: Part shade

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Cathy Tosetti

Diggers Garden Club

Judges' Comments

“This striking pelargonium cultivar 'Flor de Fuego' is a winner. The dual reds in the bloom are dramatic and uncommon.”

Propagation Details

Plant Material:  Pelargonium 'Flor de Fuego', geranium 'Flor de Fuego'

Length of ownership: Twelve months

Propagated by Exhibitor: No

Growing conditions:  I grow this pelargonium in well-draining potting soil in full sun with afternoon shade from hot summer sun. I water and fertilize once a week from February through spring and early summer when in active growth with 10-10-10 fertilizer. When the weather cools in winter I water sparingly as it goes dormant. Frequent deadheading promotes blooms and keeps the plant bushy and well-shaped.

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