Photography Classes
“The enjoyment of scenery employs the mind without fatigue and yet exercises it; tranquilizes it and yet enlivens it.”
Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr.
Class 1
Green Shoots
Novice Class — Close-up image taken on a smartphone.
Six Entries
Lisa Bermel
Garden Club of Hartford
Spring Translucence
“The forward leaf is a strong focal point with effective attention to detail. Excellent focal angle engages the viewer’s eye establishing immediate connection. The diagonal lines encourage movement.”
“The stem at the bottom leads the eye out of the frame.”
Lonicera prolifera, Moonvine honeysuckle
Libby Moore
Little Compton Garden Club
It’s Good to Be Green
“Texture abounds in this tactile treat. The multitude of shapes and patterns in the image add to the impact of the subject. The shades of green are unifying.”
“The bud/cluster at the center detracts dues to its lack of focus.”
Alchemilla mollis
Doreen Hampton
Litchfield Garden Club
Lily Pods after the Rain
“This image conveys a luscious and charming dialogue among friends. The textures and repetition of the seed pods fill the frame and reveal a well-captured close-up of the later stages of a lily.”
“The pods are all on the same plane, lessening the depth of the image. The cut brown stems detract slightly.”
Hemerocallis ‘Stella D’Oro’, daylily
Barbara Robinson
Green Spring Valley Garden Club
Morning Light
“An interesting perspective creates a composition rich in form, contrast, and texture with fantastic use of light and shadow.”
“Point of focal interest is not in clear focus.”
Kalanchoe luciae
Sara Howsam
Broadmoor Garden Club
Snow Orchid
“Asymmetrical placement of orchids creates a strong diagonal line and gracefully moves the eye through the photo. Classic white monochrome color provides drama to the composition.”
Phalaenopsis amabilis, moon orchid, moth orchid
Fenella Heckscher
Garden Club of Orange and Dutchess Counties
Pussy Willow and Leaf Buds
“The rich tonal quality and shallow depth of field of the background successfully highlight the subject.”
“The dual branches compete for dominance as the focal point.”
Salix discolor, pussy willow