Class 5
“Green” Feature
Showcase an eco-friendly architectural feature.
Six Entries
Ruthie Kelly
The Garden Club of Houston
Anthony Chapel Located at the Garvan Woodland Gardens
“The stunning use of geometric shapes invites the viewer to move throughout the image.”
“The lack of overall tonal contrast diminishes the impact of the photograph.”
Pinus echinata, shortleaf pine
Phyllis Russell
Paducah Garden Club
The Orchid
“Unique architectural features and forms with an “eye” towards the sky create an eco-friendly orchid environment.”
“The rhythm is disrupted by the crowded top and the uneven lighting below.”
Marianne Salas
Late Bloomers Garden Club
Sakonnet Garden Treefall Wall and Gate
“The magical use of windfall wood creates a ‘Shire’-like ambience, both mysterious and inviting the viewer to search for dancing fairies.”
Hosta, Hedera, Hydrangea, fern
Margie Schubert
Glenview Garden Club
Everything Old (and Green) is New Again
“Including the view through the open door creates interest and invites the viewer to explore beyond. The tree in the upper left provides a nice visual counterpoint to the otherwise strict symmetry.”
“The central placement of the structure creates a somewhat static image.”
Diana Braddom
Four Counties Garden Club
French Quarter Ferns
“The powerful leading lines of the ornate and iconic New Orleans ironwork are reinforced by the repeating baskets of ferns and result in an artful image.”
“The photographer’s vantage point creates an unsettling sense of instability. It is difficult to discern the eco-friendly element, as defined in the class description.”
Nephrolepis exaltata, Boston ferns
Lorelei Gibson
The Westport Garden Club
The Road to Green Energy Began on the Pastures of Rural America — Channing, Texas
“The stark simplicity of the landscape with strong leading lines and the iconic windmill are evocative of a desolate prairie setting.”
“The prominence of the asphalt road confuses the eco-friendly message.”
Prairie grasses