
Class 6

Green Threads


An image that evokes a quilted square.

Six Entries

Anne Green

Greenwich Garden Club

Title of Work

Patchwork Gardening on the Amalfi Coast

Judges' Comments

“The horizontal bands and intersecting lines in the walls and trellises creates a fascinating feeling of knots and stitches.  One has a true appreciation for this sense of space and place.”

“The limited tonal range flattens the image.”

Plant Pictured

Citrus, olive, assorted vegetables, and fruits

Cindy Jones

Paducah Garden Club

Title of Work

Calla Star

Judges' Comments

“This perfect choice of modern technique creates pattern, color, harmony, and rhythm. An added bonus is the impression and similarity to our town greens and parks.”

Plant Pictured

Zantedeschia aethiopica, Calla Lily 

Neel Parikh

Tacoma Garden Club

Title of Work

Bark Mimicking Light Falling on Folds of Fabric

Judges' Comments

“This image is a beguiling, rhythmic and imaginative interpretation of the class theme. The amazing curvilinear shapes give a sense of depth and movement. This photo is an exceptional attempt at "seeing outside the box."”

“Although a bold attempt, the two bottom shapes in the lower right are flat and overexposed.”

Plant Pictured

Eucalyptus sp.

Gerry Fisher

The Planters

Title of Work

A Farmer’s Field

Judges' Comments

“A tapestry of pattern and harmonious color tell the story well.  The placement off the various elements and the strong diagonals lead the viewer throughout the image.”

“A tighter shot would improve impact.”

Plant Pictured

Grasses, evergreen trees, seedlings

Jolie Roze

Seattle Garden Club

Title of Work

A Sacred Quilt of Stone Deities in Miyajima, Japan

Judges' Comments

“A woven story within a story, this well-imagined image creates a delightful sense of whimsy.  The tiny crocheted hats give color and a knot-like feeling to the quilt square.”

“The central placement of the Y-shaped tree trunk divides the image.”

Plant Pictured

Acer palmatum var. matsumurae; assorted vegetation

Jill Mitchell

Stony Brook Garden Club

Title of Work

Japanese Tea Plantation

Judges' Comments

“This unique vantage point captures a peaceful verdant scene. The combination of light and dark lines in the agricultural terracing creates interest.”

“The black line at the top left corner distracts.”

Plant Pictured

Camellia sinensis