DIVISION I Floral Design
The Garden Path
New Jersey is called “The Garden State” for its climate, its rolling fertile farmlands, and its superb produce. Between the Palisades and the Pinelands and throughout the state there are countless beautiful farms, public parks, and glorious gardens of all sizes and styles.
Class 1.
The Ornamental Garden
A design that includes a garden ornament of the exhibitor’s choice, to be displayed on a pedestal 42” high, with a 15 1/2” square black top. Design may not extend more than 20” horizontally in any direction from the center of the pedestal. To be viewed from three sides.
Class 3. Alfresco
A picnic-themed exhibition table* setting, to be displayed on a table 30” high, with a round top, 20” in diameter. Table will be covered with an off-white, floor-length cloth. Exhibitors may use overlays. To be viewed from all sides.
*An Exhibition Table is defined as a display using the components of dining in an artistic presentation as a coordinated design. The practical service of food should not be implied.
Class 2.
Four Seasons in the Garden
A design interpreting one of the four seasons, hung from a 14” arm, which extends horizontally from the top of a 6’ high black pole. The pole is centered on a 14” x 19” black rectangular base. To be viewed from all sides. Exhibitor’s choice of season will be assigned in the order of registration. Diagram of the structure will be sent when registration is received.