Horticulture Classes
Classes 33
Native Plants and Their Benefits:
A Freeman Medal Plant Collection From Your Garden
A collection from your garden(s) of 3 branches or stems of different species, cultivars, or varieties that have won any combination of the GCA Plant of the Year: The Montine McDaniel Freeman Medal, Honorable Mention and/or Special Recognition.
Judge’s Commendations were awarded to the entire class:
”Truly special and educational exhibit highlighting GCA freeman Medal plants. Well done exhibitors!”

Lyn Boyajion
Madison Garden Club Zone IV
Plant Material: Fox river birch, American yellowwood, American hornbeam
Length of ownership: 8-10 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: Southeast exposure
Libby Moore
Little Compton Garden Club
Plant Material: Snow queen oak leaf hydrangea, Smooth witherod, Franklin Tree
Length of ownership: 15-20 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: All full sun
Alice E. Wade
Garden Club of Madison
Plant Material: Mountain Mint, White Trillium, Thread leaf bluestar
Length of ownership: 4-6 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions:
• Pyenathemum muticum - full sun
• Trillium grandiflorum - shade
• Amsonia hubrichtii - full sun
Janet Laughlin
Garden Club of Trenton
Plant Material: American Smoketree, Virginia Sweetspire, Snowflake oakleaf hydrangea
Length of ownership: 19, 2, 22 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions:
• full sun, southside of garden
• full sun, northern exposure
• full sun, southern exposure
Ginny Levy
Westchester Garden Club
Plant Material: Paw paw, Carolina Silverbell, Bottlebush Buckeye
Length of ownership: 8 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: Woodland conditions
Grania Allport
Somerset Hills Garden Club
Plant Material:
• Cercis Canadensis, Red Bud
• Viburnum nudum, Smooth Witherod,
• Aesculus Parviflora, Bottlebrush Buckeye
Length of ownership: 2016-2021
Propagated by Exhibitor: Yes
Growing conditions: The Cercis Canadensis and the viburnum nudum were propagated from cuttings in 2016. The Aesculus parviflora was bought in June 2021 and planted in a western facing partly shaded area of the garden. All plants flowered last year but it is too early for flowers except for the red bud in 2022. They are all watered regularly and in the spring were given some dilute fish emulsion to fertilize.
Susan Brookes
Garden Club of Trenton
Plant Material:
• Carpinus caroliniana, American hornbeam
• Nyssa Sylvatica, Black gum
• Chionanthus virginicus, Fringe Tree
Length of ownership: 1 year, 2 years, 7 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: Amended clay soil, part sun (am) to full sun (pm)
Rumson Garden Club
Zone IV
Plant Material:
• American Wisteria
• Carolina Silverbell
• Paw paw
Length of ownership: 3-10 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: Sunny conditions
Garden Club of Englewood
Plant Material:
• American Smoketree
• Carolina Silverbell
• Franklin Tree
Length of ownership: less than 10 years
Propagated by Exhibitor: No
Growing conditions: sun/part sun, well-drained soil.