
Class 2

A Tale of Two Greens


A photograph using Creative Techniques.

Six Entries

Yoni Mayeri

Orinda Garden Club

Title of Work

Floral Planet

Judges' Comments

“The skillful manipulations create dazzling 3-D effects and result in a fearless, exciting, dramatic, and dynamic composition.”

“The placement of the planet in the upper left interrupts visual movement.”

Special Awards Judges’ Comments:

“A creative and daring choice of components and colors yield a highly dynamic image.”

Plant Pictured

Tillandsia capitata

Stephanie Young

Puducah Garden Club

Title of Work

Blowing in the Midnight Breeze

Judges' Comments

“The subtle color palette and delicate textures enhance the feeling of a midnight breeze.”

“The central placement of the leaves distracts from the overall impact of the image.”

Plant Pictured

Oak Leaves

Anne Tillinghast

Little Compton Garden Club

Title of Work

Fall Dance

Judges' Comments

“Effective color palette and placement of leaves create a playful dance effect and lead the eye through the image.”

“Blurry upper third diminishes the overall effectiveness of the fall dance.”

Plant Pictured

Oak Leaves

Janet Josselyn

Noanett Garden Club

Title of Work

Triple the Beauty

Judges' Comments

“Lighting enhances the overall mood and complements the rhythmic sense of the repeating forms.”

“The slender stems seem to be requesting more space at the top.”

Plant Pictured


Gail Atwater

The Garden Club of Honolulu

Title of Work

It Takes Two to Tango

Judges' Comments

“You have shown mastery in creating an imaginative ‘tale of two greens,’ balancing shapes and textures with creative aplomb; backlighting is used to great advantage in emphasizing both.”

Plants Pictured
  • Anthurium andraeanum, anthurium

    Molineria capitulata, whale back



Garden Club of Evanston

Title of Work

The Springtime Energy of an Emerging Aloe

Judges' Comments

“The choice of the color combination is dynamic and demonstrates creativity in this well-choreographed duet.”

“The intense blur creates a visual restlessness.”

Plant Pictured


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